Children @ OTBC
Oxford Terrace Baptist Church has programs for primary school aged children. Activities for different age groups happen both on Sundays and during the week. It is great to have children as a part of the church!

Children’s Programs are run at both our 11am and 2pm Services on Sunday which are filled with Fun, Games, Creativity and Faith Development. We endeavor to create a space where children can learn and encounter God, transforming their faith as they explore God’s story. Children get to know God and hear his voice through the Holy Spirit. God draws them closer while they are learning and discovering more about themselves and their relationship with Jesus. Programs are designed in reference to the faith formation of the children attending.
The first Sunday of every month we combine our 11pm and 2pm services together and have a Communion Sunday where we have children from both services in one program so they can connect and share in their journeys.
Every Term we break away from our normal programs during the School Holidays where we explore different ways the kids can contribute in the services and we hold an All Ages Service at 11pm which aims to shake up the normal and create a space in which inter-generational Faith is developed.