Youth Party

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Christmas Eve Services

We’re ready for our Christmas services this year! Come join us this Christmas Eve – 5pm Family Nativity Service, and an 11:15pm Candlelight Service.

Vaccine Passports are required for Church events

Christmas Day Service

Come and join us on Christmas Day at 9.30am for our Morning Service!

Vaccine passport is required for Church events.

Business Breakfast

Raising funds for the OTBC Housing Project
TOPIC: ‘How to Roll Out Good Strategy’
SPEAKER: Wayne Schache, Operations and Finance Director, Baptist Union of New Zealand
(Formerly General Manager Business Services, MOTAT, Auckland)

RSVP to by 26/06/2022

Tickets $40

Ticket payment and donations can be made to Oxford Terrace 01-0806-0029910-00
Payment can be made with cash or eftpos on the day


Click here to register

Classical Jazz Quartet Fundraising Concert

Classical Jazz Quartet Fundraising Concert

Saturday 7:30pm – November 26, 2022

Adults $25 – Children (5-17) $10

Advanced Tickets purchased from the Church Office, door sales available.

The ‘Classical Jazz Quartet’: Cathy Irons (violin), Barry Brinson (piano), Michael Davis (double bass) and Doug Brush (drums)

From a dazzling display of virtuosity to intriguing sultry warmth, from mellow moments to upbeat swing, this concert will keep you smiling into the weeks ahead!
Described as “sonic fireworks that dazzle with all their brilliance” and “characterized by inspirational musicianship,” the Classical Jazz Quartet brings an eclectic mix of music – from the swing era to their own creative and imaginative adaptations of classics, infusing them with toe tapping rhythms and jazzy harmonies.
Join CJQ on their musical journey, beginning with the Baroque era re-imagined – Bach’s famous Toccata and Fugue, to the wild Argentinian-Spanish rhythms of Piazzolla, passing through the greats of Gershwin including It Ain’t Necessarily So and Summertime, and laced with a handful of jaunty jazz standards.
CJQ consists of four outstanding Christchurch musicians. Cathy, Barry, Michael and Doug, each revel in getting together, ignoring convention and freely cross the boundaries of music with conviction and delight. All have extensive NZ and international experience.

No 9:30 Service this weekend

On March 19th the City to Surf is on and there will be no access to our church until 10.30am (possibly longer) so we have made the decision to cancel the 9am service on Sunday 19th March.

Summer Services

18th Dec-11am Combined Carol Service;

Christmas Eve-5pm Family Nativity Service, 11.15pm Candlelight Service;

Christmas Day- 9.30am Christmas Service;

1st Jan- 9.30am Communion Service;

8th Jan- 9.30am Combined Worship;

15th Jan- 9.30am Combined Worship;

22nd Jan- 9.30am Combined Worship;

29th Jan- 9.30am Classical Service,11am Contemporary Service;

5th Feb Waitangi Weekend-11am Communion Service;

11-12 Feb Housing Community Opening Weekend-
Sat: Dawn Blessing, Family Events, Potluck Dinner
Sun: 10am Worship Service