Weekly Services
If you're looking for a church home or visiting the city, we'd love to see you.
On Sundays, we meet at 10am and 2pm.
The first Sunday in the month we celebrate communion together.

10.00AM Contemporary Service- We sing a diverse range of hymns and contemporary songs, there is a sermon, prayer, and readings. During this time there are groups for pre-schoolers through to intermediate aged children.
After the service there is a great opportunity to meet and greet new and familiar friends with morning tea.
We share Communion on the first Sunday of the month.
2.00PM International Service- 国际堂主日崇拜 – We are passionate about worshiping God with singing songs, prayer, and sermon by people who are from Asia and other places. English and Mandarin will be the main languages to deliver the sermon. www.livingwater.org.nz
After the service we gather for afternoon tea to meet and greet new and familiar friends.