Arotahi (NZBMS)
Oxford Terrace Baptist Church has supported the New Zealand Baptist Missionary Society since its founding way back in 1885. We continue to partner with NZBMS in their ongoing work across Asia as well as here in Aotearoa New Zealand.

That is what we’re about. Gospel renewal in people and places in all corners of the world. Arotahi primarily work in the continent of Asia, partnering with businesses and organisations who are daily bringing renewal to their local neighbourhoods. These include Joyya, The Loyal Workshop, and Woven Life Foundation, as well as student hostels around South Asia.

Renew Together
Every person has a role in God’s work. Just as we are hands and feet in the local church, so too are we in the global whānau. This appeal asks you to be bold and take risks for the Kingdom of God.
You can participate in Renew Together by praying for, and giving to the global workers supported by Arotahi.
Pray for our global people and places.
Give to the Renew Together appeal.

NZBMS has been working globally for 135 years now with incredible support from many generous and sacrificial Kiwis. When you’ve been around for this many years, you learn a thing or two. They are proud to say they’re still learning and growing as an organisation, and are consistently striving to seek God’s quiet voice in whatever context they find themselves in.