Statement of Faith

This statement of faith is included in our updated church constitution. Unlike traditional statements of faith, this statement is presented in story form as this is how God has chosen to engage with humanity - through the story of scripture.

Our Faith Image
God has no beginning and no end; God’s existence is eternal, but the relationship between God and humankind did have a beginning. The Bible, the inspired word of God, provides us with the unfolding story of God in human history which culminates in the coming of Jesus Christ, the eternal Word of God. The Bible records the experiences of human communities who recognised what God had done among them. Across the narrative of the Bible, God’s nature and character are continuously revealed and God’s ways are made known to humanity within the world. 
God is worshipped as one God in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Triune nature of God reveals to us the very definition of love, a relationship of perfect unity in diversity, who in this relationship of perfect love spoke all life into existence and delighted in the goodness of what had been made. In perfect love, the Father sent the Son, Jesus Christ, into a broken and aching world in order to reconcile all things to himself. 
Jesus Christ is God incarnate: God in human flesh, who made his home within the world he created. He is the full revelation of God, and by his life, death, resurrection and ascension we are included in the loving life that exists within the Triune God for all eternity. By the Holy Spirit, who is at work within the Church, Christ continues to extend his reign through time and across creation. 
We are God’s people in this place: members of his Church having declared our faith in Jesus Christ and been baptised into his life, death and resurrection. As we are gathered as a community to worship, to listen to God’s word preached, and receive Communion, we recognise that God is present with us in a special way. We are being drawn together across generations and cultures, renewed by the Holy Spirit, and sent out to participate in God’s mission here in this location and across His world.